Saturday 8 September 2012

Page 43

Bryce stood frozen staring at the door Assad had just left through, he had always known that getting involved with Sophia and Lacie would eventually land him in trouble, Lacies death had confirmed this, but he had never expected it to blow back to him so quickly, if he wanted to save Sophia or himself he would have to act immediately.

Sophia was nervous. She knew she would have to involve Skye in their plans, but she still didn’t know if the girl could be trusted. She definitely didn’t want to be there anymore than Sophia did, but that didn’t mean that she was necessarily on their side. Sophia was sat next to Skye on the bus on their way to Sarhos. Skye reached over and gently brushed a hair out of Sophias face. Sophia instinctively pulled her head away.
Skye smiled her gently. ‘Why so jumpy?’
Sophia ran her hand through her hair. ‘I'm not, just don’t like people touching me.’
Skye laughed loudly. ‘This job must be torture for you then!’
Sophia couldn’t help but smile. ‘Not exactly my first choice.’

Bryce had never fired a gun in his life. In fact this was the first time he was actually touching a gun. The gun felt heavy in his hand, the cold steel felt awkward and uncomfortable.
‘How much?’ asked Bryce.
‘Eight hundred dollars,’ replied Ghazawan. ‘All up front, all cash.’
Bryce shook his head and paid Ghazawan. He knew he was being ripped off, but he was in no position to argue or try to bargain. Bryce tucked the gun into the front pouch of his camera bag and pushed under the passenger seat of his car. Bryce sat in the drivers seat with his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, he took a few deep breaths to settle himself and then pulled away. It was time.

22:34 Friday

Detective Ariyo sat behind his desk. A fresh cup of hot coffee in his left hand tapping his pen against the cold varnished wood of his work desk. He had been working late nearly every night for the last few weeks. He didn’t mind too much, working a few extra hours kept him in the captains good books, and right now that was best place to be, at least until the investigations were over. It had long been suspected that there were officers who were involved in a questionable dealings. Since the death of that woman, the department had put every available resource into investigating the kidnappings that had happened in the area. Detective Ariyo wasn’t too worried, the only two men who could connect him to anything, were both dead, Peta had been found shot dead at the drop point, and Detective Ariyo had personally put a bullet in Arikawes head at the end of their last meeting.

Monday 27 August 2012

Page 42

Bryce had spent the whole morning in the shower scrubbing himself as hard as he could, he had finished two bottles of body wash and rubbed himself with two bars of soap until they were nothing but two tiny soapy stones on the shower floor. The stench of death and rotting flesh was finally off him, after his shower he had been too tired to eat and just collapsed onto his bed and slept his way into the evening.

Bryce woke to sound of somebody frantically hammering on his front door, he groaned loudly and dragged himself out of bed and to the door.
‘You’re alive,’ said Assad when Bryce had opened the door and let him in.
‘I feel somewhat uneasy that the fact surprises you,’ smiled Bryce. ‘My friend if you knew where I spent most of last night and this morning your greasy hair would curl itself horribly.’
‘This is not the time for pleasantries!’ snapped Assad. ‘You need to get out of here right now!’
‘What are you talking about?’ asked Bryce taking seat on his couch.
‘Have you not looked at any of the newspapers today?’ asked Assad.
‘No,’ replied Bryce. ‘I only just got out of bed.’
‘Bryce,’ said Assad grimly. ‘They’re coming for you. Your face is plastered in every newspaper and every shop window in the city.’
‘Saying what?’ asked Bryce.
‘The police want you in connection with the death of that girl.’
‘Lacie? They’re gonna try and pin Lacies death on me?’
‘Yes my friend, you need to go now!’
Bryce stood and paced around his small living room. ‘You are right, I must flee the country. But I cant leave Sophia here.’
Assad rolled his eyes. ‘Bryce let her go.’
‘I can’t!’ he snapped. ‘If I leave her here I am condemning her to death, they will kill her too.’
Assad rubbed his chest and made for the door. ‘You can do what you want. But I am advising you to hurry.’ Assad slammed the door behind him and was gone.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Page 41

Bryce had been standing in the maggot goo for what he guessed was over five hours. He was tired, his legs were sore from the hours of standing and his arms were long tired of wiping the maggots off his neck and face. He hadn’t heard any footsteps from outside in the last forty-five minutes. He decided he would give it another fifteen minutes and then make his way out.

‘So,’ said Skye plopping down onto her bed. ‘Have you decided?’
Sophia rolled over to face her. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘Your plan with Mr Donogan,’ replied Skye smiling at the shocked look on Sophias face. ‘I heard Alik say his name last night.’
‘I told you there was no plan,’ sighed Sophia. ‘Let it go.’
‘Okay,’ said Skye nodding. ‘Well as there’s no plan I suppose you won’t mind if I discuss at great length with Alik?’
What are you trying to achieve?’ asked Sophia glaring at her. ‘What do you want?’
Skye went to the door and made sure it was locked. ‘Look. I’m not stupid. I have heard about how close you and the last girl were. Her name was Lacie yes?’
Sophia sat up and studied Skye carefully. ‘Yes, her name was Lacie.’
‘Yes,’ said Skye. ‘I’ve heard she was like a sister to you. Her death must have been painful for you. Having something like that happen must be horrible to live with, in fact it might even drive you to try and escape.’
There was silence. Skye was waiting for Sophia to respond, and Sophia didn’t know how to reply.

Bryce finally decided to it was time for to make a break for it. He pulled his arms out of the thick goo and tried wipe off as much of the slimy mess into his hair so his hand wouldn’t slip off the top of the hole. He stretched his arms  up and grabbed onto the edge of the hole and slowly pulled himself out and lay on the floor catching his breath. The maggots were still all over him crawling in out of his hair, wriggling under his clothing, and when he sneezed, his mucus was housing several maggots. Bryce grabbed his bag which was now also teeming with maggots and made his out the quarry and back towards his car.

‘I realise you may not trust me,’ said Skye. ‘And you have no reason to, but do you think I want to be here anymore than you do?
Sophia shook her head, every fibre of her being was telling her not to trust Skye, but she ignored it. ‘Let us say there is a plan, why would we include you?’
‘I’ll do anything to help,’ said Skye quickly. ‘It can’t be easy to be doing this just the two of you. Especially for you, you have to do all the inside by yourself, an extra pair of eyes and hands can’t you.’
Sophia nodded slowly. Skye was right. Her and Bryce needed all the help they could get if they wanted to succeed with their plans. They had come to a dead end with their ideas and Skye would be a useful addition to their team, especially now that Alik was suspicious of them.
‘Okay,’ sighed Sophia. ‘Let me talk to my friend and see what we decide on. That’s the best I can do right now.’
‘Okay good enough,’ said Skye climbing into bed. ‘For now.’
‘You know,’ said Sophia lying back down. ‘you don’t always have to resort to blackmail and threats to get what you want. I told you I’d speak to Bryce and that’s as good as its going to get right now.’

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Page 40

Bryce swore loudly as he realised he only had one choice of hiding place. He took a deep breath and dropped himself into the hole. The liquid was thick as honey but smelt nothing like anything even remotely similar to honey. The stench was unbelievable, the goo was swimming with maggots, wriggling around in it and now eagerly making their way onto Bryce. They swam under his shirt and moved across his skin, they were covering his body more than his clothing now. The maggots were in his trousers and his shoes and some were climbing up his neck. The worst part, Bryce was sinking.

Sophia was in the cab alone. She was silent. The memory of the past three hours would be with her for the rest of her life. She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. If she focused hard enough she could hold back the tears long enough to get back to her room.  The bar wasn’t far away, a fifteen minute trip at most, but to Sophia it seemed to take hours, the only thing that comforted her was that she was done for the evening. She would go back to the bar and meet with Bryce, then he would pay and take her somewhere far for the last few hours of the evening. Sophia thought about telling the cabbie to turn around and take her somewhere else. But where would she go? She couldn’t go to the police, Alik and Andrei had whatever law enforcement there was in their pocket. She couldn’t leave Mogadishu, the road was too dangerous so even if she had the money to pay the driver he would not likely agree to risk his life for her. And of course money. She had no money. It was the rule, they were not allowed to carry any money, they weren’t even allowed to come in contact with money. Whatever plan her and Bryce managed to come up, they would need money, and lots of it.

Whoever was at the quarry seemed to be taking a slow stroll around the fence, that’s what Bryce deduced from what he could hear. He had sunk a few centimetres lower into the maggot infested goo and it was now up to his chin, but fortunately his feet had come in contact with the bottom of the hole and he was able to stand. Though the smell and the weight of the goo still made things rather unpleasant, as well the maggots which were still determinedly exploring his body, a few had made into the creviced that Bryce now dreaded having to clean. He could the footsteps of the person outside, they sounded heavy so Bryce guessed it was a man. So far he walked around the fence four times, occasionally stopping at a corner for a while but then continuing his walk. Bryce sincerely hoped it was not a night guard; he did not want to have to spend the whole night swimming in the maggot soup.

Alik was standing outside the bar when Sophia arrived in the cab. She could tell by the way he greeted her that he had been there waiting especially for her.
‘You have a nice time I trust?’ asked Alik smiling at her almost warmly.
‘Screw you!’ spat Sophia pushing past him. ‘I’m done for the night!’
Alik grabbed her arm and turned her around. ‘I’m afraid not. You’ve been in a luxurious hotel all evening, I don't think you need a rest.’
Sophia ripped her arm away from him and slapped him so hard he staggered backwards. ‘You know what happened in there!’
Alik rubbed his face which was now a painful looking red colour. ‘There is going to be a time very soon, when you regret that. But for now, you will get back to work. And I don't suggest you seek out your friend Mr Donogan.’

Page 39

Sophia didn't know what to say. She couldn't bare the thought of going back to Alik, they didn't get along at the best of times and if she went back and gave him a reason to bully, there was no telling what foul punishment he would come up with for her.
'Come now my dear,' whispered Mr Doe putting his arm around her waist and leading her into hotel. 'It's not going to be that bad after all.'

The hotel room was big and lavishly furnished. The walls were painted a rich gold and mounted with enormous pictures of the ocean and magnificent scenery of countries Sophia had never seen before. The room was divided in two halves separated by two huge stain glass sliding doors. The side that they had walked into was clearly the living room area. In the middle of the gold painted room was a perfect square of white leather three seater couches. Mr Doe waved Sophia into the room.
'Pay no mind to that dear,' he smiled at her. 'Hasn't been straightened up from the last little party we had.'
Sophia gazed around the room in awe, she had never seen such a lavish place in her life and since she had been brought to Somalia she had forgotten what luxury looked like.
'What kind of party?' asked Sophia walking around the room touching and admiring the art.
'Let's take a seat on the couch and you'll find out,' said Mr Doe.

Bryce caught a taxi out of town and made his way back to the quarry. He was better prepared this time and had brought a hammer and a screw to pop th padlock with and his camera to take some pictures. Bryce quickly made his way back to the quarry and popped the lock open with the hammer and screw driver. Once inside he forced open all of the closed holes and got to work taking pictures. In the weeks since he had first come to the quarry, the smell had increased a tenfold. The stench of rotting flesh was so thick in the air that after every photo Bryce had to step outside for a few minutes and catch his breath. After three hours he had taken pictures of all the holes except the one Lacie was in, he had purposefully saved that one for last. He kicked the the planks off the hole steeled himself to face the horror inside. He took a deep breath and then gazed into the hole. He was ready to see the rotting corpses floating in maggots and bile, but the hole was empty. The bile was still there, the maggots still wriggled and swam in it, but Lacie and the bodies of the other girls had all been moved. Bryce photographed the empty hole, on the outside of the hole there were drag marks, Bryce guessed that the bodies had been dragged out of their and put into a bag or container or something. He shuddered to think where the rotten corpses were moved to after the quary. Bryce packed his gear back into his bag and was prepared to leave when he heard the sound of a car coming towards. Bryce froze, he knew that regardless of who found him here he would be in for a very unpleasant conversation with them. There was nowhere for him to hide.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Page 38

Bryce walked into Sarhoş and made straight to the bar where he expected to find Sophia. He took a seat at the bar and waited for her, he assumed she was the in bathroom.
‘Want the usual my friend?’ asked Anhil smiling at Bryce.
‘I’m sorry?’ asked Bryce looking up at Anhil. ‘You must have confused me with somebody else, I’v never drunk here before.’
‘I’m not asking about a drink sir,’ laughed Anhil. ‘Don’t you usually like them short with blue eyes?’
Bryce rolled his eyes irritably. ‘That’’s what you talking about. Yes well have you seen my usual around tonight?’
‘Yes,’ replied Anhil. ‘She was here earlier, took off not so long ago with another man.’
‘Are you sure we’re talking about the safe girl?’ asked Bryce frowning.
‘Oh yes sir,’ reeplied Anhil. ‘I’m very certain it was her.’
'Thank you Anhil,' said Alik walking up from behind Bryce. 'Why don't you get this gentleman another drink, and put it on my tab.'
Bryce turned and looked at Alik. 'Thank you. And what have I done to deserve such generosity?'
'You are a regular customer,' smiled Alik ordering a drink from Anhil. 'You make a purchase every night.'
'Well you know how it is,' nodded Bryce. 'Busy man, I've got to relieve stress.'
'Oh yes,' laughed Alik. 'I know exactly what you mean. I have a slightly different way of relieving stress. When I am feeling stressted I like to fix leaks.'
Bryce studied Alik cautiously. 'You dont strike me as the plumber type?'
'Oh no I'm a great plumber,' said Alik. 'I dont like to wait for the leak happen before I try to fix it, no, if I think that I've found a hole where water could escape, well lets just say I'll do whatever it takes to provent that from happening.'
'Well you know what they say,' said Bryce. 'Prevention is better than cure.'
'Yes,' said Alik stepping closer to Bryce so that they were closer together than Bryce felt comfortable with. 'I live by that saying.' Alik finished his drink and put the glass on the bar counter. 'Enjoy your drink Mr Donogan.'

The car slowed down to stop outside a very lavish hotel.
'You ever been inside a hotel like this?' asked Mr Doe gesturing hor her to get out.
'No,' answered Sophia honestly. 'I've never been in any hotel.'
Mr Doe chuckled. 'Well I'm glad I get too sure this special moment with you. I think you're going to really enjoy what we have in store for you.'
'Who's we?' asked Sophia stepping out of the car. 'The procedure is only client at a time.'
'I'm it usually is,' smiled Mr Doe. 'But Alik and I reached a special agreement.'
'That is not how it's supposed to work,' said Sophia begining to feel a familiar sinking feeling in her chest. 'I think we should go back and confirm with Andrei.'
'Oh no,' said Mr Doe shaking his head as he walked towards her. 'Andrei is out of town for a while, that is why Alik and I timed our little arrangement for today. Now you can either walk into the hotel with us or I can call Alik and tell him you are unhappy with the arrangement I am sure he will have a suitable alternative for you.'

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Page 37

Sophia sat up and stared at Skye with disgust. ‘Are you trying to threaten me?’
‘Of course not,’ smiled Skye also sitting up. ‘I’m just pointing out a fact.’
Sophias look of disgust morphed into an angry glare. ‘If you utter one word,’
‘You’ll what?’ asked Skye. ‘Be dragged away and killed? I wonder what the punishment is forming relationships with clients.’
Sophia rolled over and faced the wall in silence.
‘I’ll give you today to think about it,’ said Skye. ‘Tonight you answer my questions.’


Sophia sat at the bar sipping on her drink. Bryce was due to meet her soon and she was anxiously awaiting him.
‘You seem almost excited about tonight,’ noted Anhil the bartender. ‘Starting to enjoy your work.’
Sophia smiled. ‘I’m eager for it to finish,’ she replied. ‘But first it needs to start.’
‘Hello sugar,’ greeted somebody behind Sophia.
She spun around tp greet Bryce but was shocked and somewhat horrified to see Alik standing there with another man at his side.
‘This is Sophia,’ said Alik gesturing to her. ‘She will provide you with plenty of entertainment.’
‘Good,’ smiled the man reaching out to touch Sophias cheek.
Sophia jerked her head away from him. ‘What are you doing Alik?’
‘I have bought you a customer,’ replied Alik. ‘You haven’t had one the whole night, I am doing you a favour. Unless of course there is a reason why you feel like you don’t have to go with Mr Doe who has paid handsomely for you?’
Sophia was stuck. If she went with Mr Doe then she would miss Bryce, but if she didn’t go with him then Alik would know that something was up and he would start investigating her meetings and it wouldn’t be long before he learnt about her arrangements with Bryce.
‘No of course not,’ sighed Sophia. ‘Let me just get my purse.’

Five minutes later Sophia was sitting in the back of Mr Does car next to him. The car was moving very slowly down the poorly lit street. The doors were not locked, even if she tried to escape she knew she would barely get to the bottom of the road before Alik was after her, and the penalty for such an act would far outweigh any sense of freedom or gratification it would bring.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Page 36

'If we're going to get you out,' said Bryce. 'You'll need to get your new room mate on your side.'
'I dont know if I can trust her,' said Sophia shaking her head. 'What if she messes up?'
'You don't have a choice Sophia,' sighed Bryce. 'You are going to need as much help as possible, and right now shes your best bet.'
Sophia breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. 'Okay I'll try and get through to her tonight. But I wont promise anything, I dont want to risk everything on her reliabilty.'
'Sophia,' said Bryce facing her. 'What makes you think she wants to be here anymore than you do? I know you miss Lacie, but she is dead. It's time to move on and focus on getting you out.'
'Don't talk about Lacie!' snapped Sophia turning away.
'Why?' asked Bryce. 'Because she's dead? She is dead Sophia! And nothing we do will bring her back from the dead. Its's time to move on.'
'I'm not going to forget her Bryce!' shouted Sophia.
'I'm not asking you to forget,' said Bryce calmly. 'I'm asking you to live.'
Sophia swallowed hard and turned away from Bryce. She didn’t want him to see her cry, crying made her feel weak, and she hated feeling weak.
'Sophia,' said Bryce. 'Having feelings doesnt make you weak, it makes you human. Now I know you're hurting over what happened to Lacie, but Lacie wouldnt want you to stay here and die, she knew the risk involved in our plans same as you do now, but she also knew it was worth it. I cant plan this alone, I need you to snap out of this and focus.'
Sophia sniffed and nodded her head. 'I'll speak to Skye.'

That morning when Sophia were lying in their beds exhausted from the days work Sophia decided she might as well make her move.
'Skye,' she whispered across the room.
Skye rolled over in her bed and faced Sophia. 'What do you want?'
'We've been sharing a room with each other for a while now,’ said Sophia. ‘And we will probably be sharing one for a while, so we might as well get to know each other better.’
‘I am not stupid,’ laughed Skye sarcastically. ‘Tell me what you want or shut up.’
Sophia swallowed hard and rolled over to face the wall. ‘Never mind, its not important.’
Skye shook her head. ‘I have a question for you.’
‘Ask it then,’ said Sophia still facing the wall.
‘Everynight you have only customer,’ said Skye. ‘The same man comes and picks you up in his car everynight, why?’
‘That’s none of your business!’ snapped Sophia turning around to face Skye.
‘You’re right,’ smiled Skye. ‘It is none of my business, but it might be Aliks business, I’m sure if I pointed out this little pattern to him he would make it his business to find out why.’

Pages 30-35

If we get you out then we can come back with help.’
Sophias pondered this for a moment before eventually nodding. ‘What’s the plan?’
‘I’m working on one,’ said Bryce. ‘I just need a little more time to work a few things out.’
‘What should I do in the mean time?’ asked Sophia.
‘Just go on as if everything is normal,’ said Bryce. ‘You can’t let them know anything is going on. I think fewer meetings between us too.’
‘Bryce,’ whispered Sophia. ‘You dont know Alik, he is not a a good man. If he even suspects one thing he will kill me.’
‘Thats why you must play your part as normal,’ insited Bryce. ‘Now come lets get you back before we both get into any trouble.’

Wednesday 20:13 pm

‘How did she die?’ asked Detective Ariyo.
‘Two gunshot wounds,’ replied Annebeth. ‘One two the back of the head and one to the chest.’
‘So she died quickly?’ asked Detetcive Ariyo studying the cold lifeless body of Sarah Hartley.
‘Depends which shot came first sir,’ replied Annebeth. ‘When I’ve completed the autopsy I’ll let you know.’

Thursday 15:28

Sophia was pacing around her room. Since her meeting with Bryce she had been keeping a wide berth from anybody who so much as sneezed. The image of Lacies lifeless body rotting in some hole was stuck in her mind. Skye was sitting on her bed watching her.
'You have been doing this all night,' she said. 'Why don't you tell me what is bothering you?'
Sophia shook her head. 'It's best you don't know.'
'As we share a room together,' replied Skye. 'I have to disagree.'
If you could escape here,' said Sophia. 'But you knew you could die by trying, what would you die?'
Skye was silent for a minute before she eventually answered. 'If I stay here, I will die. If I try and leave, I will. I would much rather die knowing I tried to find freedom than die knowing that I just accepted my fate.'
Sophia smiled at her. 'You are smart.'
If you say so,' shrugged Skye. 'It just makes more sense to me.'
Sophia thought about telling Skye about her plan with Bryce, but she hesitated when she considered that she didn't really know her and if she decided to back out or worse, than she would probably be killed and end up sleeping next to Lacie again. Sophia just smiled at her again and decided to watch her closely over the next few weeks and try to find out as much as she could about her roommate.

Thursday 15:34

‘I need to get out of town,’ whispered Bryce. ‘And very soon my friend.’
Assad nodded slowly. ‘I warned you not get to mixed up in anything dangerous, now you ask my help to flee Andrei Milikov.’
‘Assad I had to get involved,’ sighed Bryce. ‘How can I sit by and watch this?’
‘Do not lie to me,’ said Assad. ‘What is your real reason for wanting to help?’
‘That is the reason,’ insisted Bryce. ‘Its no longer safe for me.’
Assad stood up angrily. ‘If you will not trust me with the truth how can you trust me to help you?’
‘Its the girl,’ said Bryce. ‘I have to help her.’
‘Are you crazy?’ said Assad shaking his head. ‘You want to interfere with Milikovs operation?’
‘Allah says all people have the right to freedom,’ said Bryce. ‘What makes those girls different?’
‘They are being kept by the most dangerous man in Somalia,’ answered Assad.  ‘It would be easier to steal from Allah himself than to steal from Milikov.’
‘Tell me a bit about this Milikov,’ said Bryce.
‘Andrei Milikov,’ replied Assad. ‘Been in Mogadishu forever, he owns The Angel Wings, the whole smuggling operation is his, guns, drugs, girls all of it. Now before you get any stupid ideas you should know that this man is very well connected, he has half the scum in the country in his pocket, if you even sneeze around him the militia will be there with a hanky and a gun to blow your brains out and wipe up the mess.’
Bryce smiled. ‘So who doesn’t he own?’
‘This is no laughing matter Mr. Donogan,’ said Assad. ‘The only person in the whole country who doesn’t receive a salary from Milikov is you.’

Friday 22:30

Sophia and Bryce were sitting in Bryces car parked a few blocks away from Sarhoş.
‘Have you thought of a plan yet?’ asked sophia. ‘Anything at all?’
Bryce sighed heavily and ran his hand through his short cut hair. ‘I have two ideas. But both are very risky and have a high chance of failing and getting us both killed.’
‘Well,’ shrugged Sophia. ‘We don’t really have a lot of choices right now, I cant stay with Alik and neither of us can stay in Somalia.’
‘I know Sophia,’ said Bryce. ‘But it wouldn’t do us much good to escape one prison just to land in another one.’
‘Just tell me your ideas,’ sighed Sophia.
‘My friend Assad might be able to arrange us a transport to Kenyan border,’ replied Bryce. ‘But the road out of here towards Kenya is patrolled regular and there are road blocks everywhere, if even one of Milikovs men saw us we would be finished.’
‘Okay,’ said Sophia. ‘Whats your second plan?’
‘Well the alternative is a little bit insane,’ said Bryce smiling.
‘Go on,’ nodded Sophia.
‘We try and stow away on the The Angel Wings,  said Bryce watching Sophia for her reaction.
‘ARE YOU CRAZY?’ screamed Sophia.
‘I realise it sounds crazy,’ said Bryce raising his hands defensively.
‘No Bryce!’ snapped Sophia. ‘Shooting yourself in the leg is crazy! Poking a sleeping lion in the eye is crazy! But trying to escape by stowing away on your captives ship is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! What the hell makes you think that could ever work?ddd is the stupidest thing I have ever hearn saw us we would be finished..

Pages 25-30

‘Lacie what happened?’ asked Sophia.
‘Sophia go away!’ said Lacie burying her face in her hands.
‘I'm not going anywhere,’ replied Sophia sitting down outside the door. ‘I’ll be waiting for you, if want to talk just shout. Or even whisper.’
Sophia sat outside the bathroom door for over an hour before she eventually heard the lock being slid across and the door opening. Lacie stumbled out and collapsed into Sophia lap crying. Sophia put her arms around her and embraced her warmly.
‘I’ve never don’t that before,’ sobbed Lacie. ‘Alik forced me.’
‘What did he do to you Lacie.?’

‘I tried to stop him Soph,’ chocked Lacie. ‘I really did, but he just kept going. I couldn’t do anything.’
‘Lacie it’s okay,’ said Sophia gently.
‘IT’S NOT OKAY!’ screamed Lacie wrapping her arms tighter around Sophia. ‘I feel…I wish I was dead.’
‘Don’t say that,’ said Sophia stroking her hair. ‘Some things are best not wished for.’
‘He cut me Sophia,’ cried Lacie. ‘When I refused him he put the knife to my back and cut me. I screamed and he cut me again and ordered me to be silent. I begged and pleaded with him but he put the knife in my mouth and said if I didn’t smile then he would make me smile.’
‘Lacie what happened?’ urged Sophia.
‘He bent me over,’ cried Lacie.  ‘I’m sorry Soph I don’t want to talk about this.’
‘It’s okay sweetie,’ sighed Sophia. ‘Just stay with me.’

Bryce Donogan stood outside of Sarhoş talking to a source that had promised to give him some information concerning The Angel Wings. Asad as he was known had once worked as a crew member aboard The Angel Wings.
‘What exactly do they bring in on the ship Asad?’ asked Bryce with his note pad and pen in hand.
‘There are only two things,’ replied Asad. ‘Drugs and girls.’
‘The girls in the bar?’ asked Bryce.
‘Yes,’ nodded Asad. ‘They are always young, when they are young they are easier to addict to the drugs, they are raised on them, that’s why they never try to escape.’
‘Because they can’t go without the daily dosage,’ said Bryce. ‘What happens if they get sick, or old?’
‘The sick ones die,’ said Asad looking around to make sure they weren’t being watched.
‘And the old ones?’ asked Bryce.
‘There’s a place just on the city outskirts,’ said Asad. ‘You drive for two hours on the main road until you come to a quarry. Explore there and you will find the answers you are looking for.’
‘What will I find?’ asked Bryce quickly writing everything Asad had said.
‘I must go,’ said Asad walking away. ‘Trust me go the quarry.’
‘Wait Asad!’ called Bryce but Asad climbed into his car and sped away from Sarhoş.

Sophia helped Lacie off the floor and took her into the shower. When she started taking Lacies gown off she struggled but Sophia talked to her and eased her into agreeing to be undressed. When she got the gown off and she saw Lacies back for the first time, she was horrified. Lacies back was covered in long, deep cuts all of which were still bleeding.
‘Lacie we have to tell Andrei,’ gasped Sophia. ‘You need a doctor.’
‘You can’t tell him!’ pleaded Lacie.
‘Why not?’asked Sophia turning on the hot water and testing it with her hand.
‘Have you ever seen any sick or injured girls here?’ asked Lacie. ‘They kill them Sophia. It is cheaper and easier to put a bullet in me than it is to explain to the police and doctors why I have no papers.’
‘We can’t just leave these wounds,’ said Sophia. ‘You wil bleed out.’
‘Bryce can help us Sophia,’ said Lacie. ‘He is a good man, but not Andrei.’
‘Ok fine,’ sighed Sophia. ‘But what about Alik? He obviously knows.’
‘I will take care of that,’ said Lacie.

Detective Ariyo was lying on his couch relaxing whenhis phone rang, he rolled his eyes and answered it.
‘Sir, its Annabeth,’ said Annabeth.
‘I trust theres a good reason for this?’ asked Detective Ariyo.
‘Sir we found Sarah Hartley,’ repled Annabeth.
‘You have her in custody?’ asked Detective Ariyo sitting up quickly.
‘No sir,’ repled Annabeth. ‘Shes dead.’

The next morning Sophia watched Lacie very closely, her cuts were still untreated and bleeding. She winced as she pulled herself out of bed.
‘Are you okay?’ asked Sophia getting up to help her.
‘I’m fine,’ lied Lacie waving her help away. ‘I just need some water.’
Before she could reach for her cup the door opened and Alik walked in looking very happy.
‘What do you want?’ asked Sophia getting up and standing between Lacie and Alik.
‘Get out of the way girl,’ ordered Alik stepping forward. But Sophia stood her ground defiantly. Alik smiled. ‘I admire your courage.’ Quicker than Sophia could see he drew up his hand and back handed her across the face so hard she fell to the ground and hit her head against the concrete floor painfully. Lacie tried to stand up but her back was too sore for her to do anything but lean forward.
‘What do you want Alik?’ she asked.
‘Andrei does not accept damaged goods,’ he said. ‘You are to be ready to leave tonight, but you are not going with the other girls.’
‘Whats going on?’ Lacie asked. ‘The only reason I'm injured is because of you!’
‘Who will Andrei believe?’ smiled Alik just be ready on time.’ He walked towards the door and stopped with his hand on the handle. ‘I suggest you say goodbye to Sophia, it might be a while before you see her again.’ Alik banged the door closed behind him.
Sophia got up slowly rubbing her head. ‘Lacie what’s going?’
‘I told you Soph,’ said Lacie her voice beginning to break down into sobs. ‘Do you see any sick or injured girls here?’
‘Lacie,’ groaned Sophia. ‘What happens to them?’
Lacie wiped her eyes on her blanket. ‘I have seen it many times. Any girl who falls sick with anything that requires serious medical attention is immediately picked up by the green van.’
‘Whose van?’ asked Sophia. ‘And where does it go?
‘No one knows Soph,’ replied Lacie ‘But they never come back.’
‘That’s not gonna happen to you,’ said Sophia firmly. ‘We’re gonna think of something.’
Lacie smiled and picked up her bath robe. ‘I know Soph. I’m going to shower.’ Lacie walked slowly out the door and stopped in the corridor. ‘You know I think of you as my sister Soph, without you this place would have been unbearable.’
Sophia smiled. ‘We’re gonna figure this out Lacie. I promise.’
Lacie nodded and walked down the corridor to the showers. Sophia lay back on her bed and tried her best to think of a way to help Lacie, soon her thoughts turned into dreams and she was sound asleep. When she woke it was getting dark and she could hear the sound of people going to the showers. She rolled over to see Lacie and saw that her bed was empty. Sophia knew she had been sleeping for a few hours now so Lacie should’ve been back from her shower long time ago. As she sat up she heard a loud, piercing scream from outside, she jumped out of bed and ran outside. The commotion was coming from the showers, there was a big crowd of girls surrounding the entrance to the showers, Sophia ran forward and pushed her way through all of them until she was in the front. At first she thought that somebody had spilt a can of red paint on the floor. But as she walked into the showers and followed the red liquid to the source, the last shower cubicle. Sophia stretched out her hand slowly pushed the door open. The door swung open to reveal Lacie, sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and her head bowed down on her chest.
‘LACIE!’ screamed Sophia throwing herself into the cubicle and wrapping her arms around Lacies body, but she knew it was too late, her body was cold and the colour had all but drained from her flesh. In Lacies hand was a blood stained glass shard. The tip of the shard was buried in her thigh, a few inches above her knee. The cut to the femoral artery  had bled her out in minutes. Sophia lay on the floor with Lacie crying, she refused to let her go even when Andrei and Alik came to investigate the source of the commotion.

It had been two months since Lacies suicide. Sophia had help onto her body until eventually Andrei ordered Alik to take her back to her room so they could take care of the body. Sophia had kicked, punched and screamed at him all the way down the hall and into her room. As soon as Alik had thrown her in the room and walked away she got up and tried to run back to Lacie, Alik had caught her and thrown her back into her room and made sure to lock the door behind him. Sophia kicked and threw herself at the door until she was too sore and tired to continue. She collapsed onto the floor next to the door and wept until eventually she had no more tears to give and crawled into her bed and fell into a deep uneasy sleep.

Sophia lay on her bed facing Lacies bed. Those last two months had been hard on on her without Sophia. Andrei had wasted no time moving a new girl into Sophias room, but she was not Lacie. Sophia treated the new girl Skye kindly enough but she knew she would never have the same relationship with Skye  as she had had with Lacie. Sophia climbed out of bed, grabbed her towel and headed for the showers. When she had found an shower cubicle she turned the water on and turned to examine herself in the mirror while she waited for it to heat up. Sophia had changed over the last two months, her skin had become pale and her once beautiful blue eyes had sunk into her now sickly thin face, and blue colour seemed have dulled and now longer a had a shine to it. She opened her mouth and examined the underside of her tongue; the fat blue veins were littered with pin pricks where the candy had been injected daily. Sophia stripped down and entered the hot shower. She closed her eyes and the warmth of the water.

Bryce stepped out of the cab and paid the driver. Bryce had spent the last two months trying to gather as much information as he could about the quarry Assad had told him about. But after weeks of meetings with shady characters and other questionable people he had eventually decided that the only way to discover what exactly went on at the quarry he would have to go there himself and investigate. Bryce had taken a cab to the outskirts of Mogadishu; from there he had followed a narrow dirt road for six kilometers until he had eventually arrived at the quarry. The quarry was relatively small, Bryce approximated the perimeter to be about two hundred by three hundred meters, and the inside was littered with holes, some were covered with planks and a few were open. The perimeter was fenced off with a three meter high wire fence topped with barbed wire and every couple of meters there was big sign that read; ''Private Property Keep Out.''

Bryce shook the lock on the gate pointlessly and walked around the fence trying to find somewhere he could get in. The only gap he could attempt to get through was between the top of the gate and the fence a few inches above it. Bryce threw his backpack over fence and started climbing, he just managed to pull himself through the small gap and landed with a thud on the ground inside the quarry. Bryce dusted himself off and shouldered his backpack and went to the nearest hole and peered in.

‘You miss her?’ asked Miranda taking the stool next to Sophia in the bar. ‘Lacie.’
‘Think about her every day replied Sophia ordering another drink. ‘It’s not the same without her.’
‘I won’t pretend to know how you feel,’ said Miranda. ‘But if you want to talk, I'm here for you.’
‘Well that is a touching sentiment,’ said Alik before Sophia could reply. ‘But you are not here to be each other’s personal shrink, you are here to work so I suggest you separate yourselves and focus on attracting customers.’
‘See you later Sophia,’ said Miranda standing up and walking away from the two.
‘Your little friend was lucky,’ said Alik. ‘Threw her body in a small ditch, had she not been dead I would have thrown her in there alive.’
‘Shut up!’ snapped Sophia starting to walk away.
Alik grabbed her wrist. ‘Do not forget who you are talking girl!’
‘A killer?’ asked Sophia politely.
‘Yes,’ whispered Alik. ‘Now unless you want to be next I suggest you watch yourself.’

The dead bodies in the hole were floating in water. The water did a decent job of ensuring the stench was not strong enough to be detected outside the quarry. Bryce stared at the floating bodies, they were girls, young mostly, some in their teens, some as young as ten maybe eleven. Bryce stepped away from the whole and went to one of the closed holes and raised the wooden cover off and almost dropped it again when he saw what was within. This hole was full of dead bodies too, but instead of water it the bodies were floating in a sea of maggots. The short fat maggots were everywhere, they were crawling in and out of eye sockets and mouths and ears, Bryce gasped loudly and slammed the lid shut, he collapsed on the ground and threw up violently for the next couple of minutes.  He got up as quickly as he could and tried to run to the gate but he slipped on his own vomit and fell head first into an open hole. For the first time in over two months he was face to face with Lacie.

Bryce practically ran into Sarhoş and looked around for Sophia. He had come straight from the quarry to Sarhoş he had to tell Sophia what he had seen. He finally spotted her comig out of the rest room and he pushed his way through the crowd until he reached.
‘We need to talk Sophia,’ he whispered urgently into her ear.
Sophia looked at him and gestured to his filthy cothes. Bryce shook his head, grabbed her hand and pulled her with him out the doors and and into an dark alley two roads down.
‘Bryce,’ gasped Sophia. ‘You know we can’t be here.’
‘I know,’ he replied licking his lips nervously. ‘But its important. Its about Lacie.’
Sophias sharp intake of breath was followed by silence as she waited for him to continue.
‘I went to the quarry,’ Bryce said glancing over his shoulder. ‘I know where the sick and wounded girls go Sophia.’
‘What quarry?’ asked Sophia. ‘A van picks up the sick girls.’
‘That van takes them to the quarry!’ said Bryce loudly.  The quarry is full of these pits, and they are full of bodies.’
‘What bodies?’ asked Sophia.
‘The dead bodies of girls Sophia,’ replied Bryce. ‘They kill the sick, and they stuff them down a hole to rot.’
‘And Lacies there?’ said Sophia with tears forming in her eyes. ‘Lacie is stuffed in a pit?’
‘Yes,’ mumbled Bryce putting his arms around. ‘I saw her.’
Sophia cried into Bryces chest. ‘She didnt deserve that, she deserves a proper burial.’
‘I know Sophia,’ whispered Bryce. ‘And one day she will get one, but right now we need to focus on getting you out of there. It wont be long before you join her and the rest of them.’
‘What about the others?’ asked Sophia. ‘I can’t just leave all the others there to suffer.’
‘You can be more help to them when you’re free,’ replied Bryce.
‘I can’t just leave them Bryce,’ said Sophia shaking her head. ‘They dont deserve this any more than I do.’

Pages 20-25

Lacie thought about it for a moment. ‘Sophia and I will think of way to get it in, if you can just get the food for us, please.’
Bryce nodded slowly. ‘I promise I will help you. I have to go now. But I will see you tomorrow night.’
Lacie stood and started dressing. ‘No. To avoid suspicion tomorrow you must see Sophia.’
‘I don’t think she likes me very much,’ frowned Bryce. ‘You think she’ll go along with this?’
‘She is just scared,’ replied Lacie. ‘She is my sister; she will not let me down.’
Before Bryce could reply Alik opened the door and greeted the both of them to an annoyed look.
'You have over stayed your money my friend,' he said to Bryce. 'Suggest you remove yourself or be removed.'
Bryce nodded quickly and left the room. Alik looked at Lacie suspiciously.
'What happened' he asked.
'He got nervous and couldn't go through with it,' replied Lacie. 'Not the first time that's happened.'
'No,' said Alik. 'But it had better be the last.'

‘So what did he say?’ asked Sophia as Lacie sat down next to her and ordered another drink.
‘He’s gonna help us,’ she replied. ‘But that thing you did, almost blew it.’
‘I know,’ sighed Sophia. ‘I wasn’t thinking.’
‘No you weren’t,’ said Lacie. ‘We need this guy Sophia.’
‘Yes I know,’ she replied. ‘It won’t happen again.’
‘You get anything yet?’ asked Lacie changing the subject.
‘One,’ said Sophia. ‘The usual.
‘A quick pop and a sudden stop,’ laughed Lacie.
‘Exactly,’ said Sophia sipping her drink slowly. ‘You think Miranda’s right about God?’
‘You mean do I think he is testing us?’ replied Lacie.
‘Yeah,’ said Sophia. ‘’She says he loves us. But if that’s true how could he watch us and do nothing?’
‘All I know is I have been here for twenty-three years now,’ said Lacie. ‘If God was going to help me he would have done it by now. If we ever want to escape this or make our lives anything else then we have to do it ourselves, we can’t wait for some super being to help us.’
‘You’re right,’ smiled Sophia. ‘Besides it’s a little late to be looking to heaven for help.’
‘Come on,’ said Lacie standing up. ‘It’s almost time to go.’

Detective Babatunde Ariyo walked into the apartment and was immediately assaulted by the foul smell of rotting flesh. The windows and curtains were closed and he only light came from the door behind him. Detective Ariyo had been around enough dead bodies to instantly recognise the smell, he quickly drew his gun and cautiously edged into the living room.
‘Anybody here?’ he called. ‘I am police and I’m armed show yourself.’
Still the room was silent, Detective Ariyo holstered his gun and walked to the nearest window and ripped the curtains open and instantly wished he hadn’t. The sun poured in through the windows and brought light to rotting corpse on the couch directly opposite him. The eyes were dry and staring right at him, the flesh around the eyes and most of the face seemed to be moving. Detective Ariyo covered his mouth and stepped towards the body and prodded her cheek with the barrel of his gun, instantly the flesh burst open and blob of thick yellow puss teaming with maggots landed on his hand. He swore loudly and jumped backwards shaking the foul smelling concoction of his hand and wiping it clean on the couch. After he had composed himself he pulled out his cell phone with his clean hand and dialled dispatch.

Sarah Hartley stood on the side of Sepiw Road. She was not alone, they were five other women standing at different spots of the same road. Sarahs life had taken a bad turn after Alex’s untimely death. She had lost her job and could no longer afford to pay the rent on their apartment, she knew that when the landlord came to collect rent he would find Alexs body and call the police so Sarah had left three days before the end of the month. She had taken nothing but a picture Alex, Sophia and herself with her, it was all she cared about, it helped her remember the times when they were just a bizarre but very happy family. When she left her old behind Sarah had tried to find honest work, but when they didn’t work she had eventually turned to drug dealing and for a while sold crack but her clients were violent and most just threatened her and took her supply from her, with all roads blocked to her she had only one path to turn to, prostitution.

It had taken the forensics team four hours to move Alex Hartleys body out of the apartment and into the van. They had to care extra not to rupture the skin and release the maggot filled puss.
‘Have you identified the body yet?’ asked Detective Ariyo.
‘The victim is female, her dental records have confirmed her identity as Alexandria Hartley,’ replied Annabeth. ‘She died of multiple stabbings to the chest.’
‘We still haven’t found the partner,’ said Detective Ariyo. ‘It seems as if Sarah Hartley has just disappeared off the face of the earth.’
‘They have an argument, it gets heated, one reached for the knife and cuts straight to the point,’ said Annabeth. ‘She panics and flees the scene.’
‘Isn’t it always that way?’ sighed Detective Ariyo.

It was half past ten in the evening and Bryce Donogan was sitting in front of his laptop replying to an email his wife had sent him that morning.  Bryce was a reporter for The Daily Mail and had been sent to Somalia on assignment to write an article about an American ship  The Angel Wings that had been hijacked on its route to Yemen nine years ago. Bryce had asked his editor why this ship was suddenly worth writing about. It was then that editor showed a blurry picture of The Angel Wings off the coast of South Africa, Bryce had asked around in Mogadishu and had had heard from a few people that The Angel Wings was now used to traffic drugs, guns and people in and out Somalia. Bryce took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He saved his work and decided to call it night.

Alik opened the door to Sophia and Lacies room early that morning, when he entered the room he found the girls still in bed. ‘Wake up,’ he said banging loudly on the door until both girls woke u with a start. ‘You are to remain here tonight Lacie; you’ve got a special client.’ He said pointing at Lacie. ‘You are to go on as usual Sophie.’ He turned on his heels and slammed the door behind him.
‘What does that mean?’ asked Sophia slipping out of bed and stretching herself.
Lacie just shrugged her shoulders. ‘Probably some important fellow who can’t afford to be seen doing…..well doing us.’
Sophia shook her head in disgust. ‘They exploit and abuse us, but it’s we who would embarrass them if we were caught. That’s not fair.’
‘Since when has the world ever been fair?’ smiled Lacie. ‘Although, Mr Donogan is different.’
‘I think it is too early to say,’ said Sophia. ‘If he keeps his promise then we can see, if not, well then we haven’t really lost anything.’
‘I think he will help us,’ said Lacie firmly. ‘Now go and get cleaned up darling.’

Bryce bought three slabs of chocolate, two loaves of bread and a small jar of peanut butter, he wrapped them all up tightly in a plastic and stuffed them in compartment usually reserved for tools in the boot of his car. After making sure that the compartment was completely covered by the boot mat he got in the car and drove to Sarhoş.

Sophia did not have to sit at the bar long before Bryce came and sat next to her.
‘Hi,’ greeted Bryce. ‘Wheres Lacie?
‘She is otherwise busy,’ smiled Sophia. ‘Guess you will have to make do with me.’
‘I have spoken to the man in charge and he says I am allowed to take you into my car,’ said Bryce. ‘Lets go now I can’t stay long.’
‘Okay,’ nodded Sophia grabbing his hand and allowing him to lead her out.

‘How far am I allowed to go?’ asked Brcye as they climbed into the car.
‘Don’t really know,’ shrugged Sophia. ‘But my guess is not too far.’
Bryce nodded and they pulled off down the dimly lit street. ‘I suppose we don’t really need to go far.’
‘Thats the first time I’ve heard that,’ said Sophia.
Bryce took one block away and parked in a dark alley. As soon as the car stopped he got out and removed the bag of food from its hiding place and dropped in Sophias lap as he got back in the car.
‘It’s not much but its all I can do right now,’ said Bryce.
Sophia opened and squeeled involuntarily when she saw the three slabs of Cadburys dairy milk chocolate, she immediately ripped one open and bit into the slab. The boot of Bryces car had been rather warm and the chocolate had become soft and as it touched Sophias tongue it melted. The sticky sweet chocolate over powered her taste buds and she closed her eyes and sighed deeply savouring the rich taste that she missed for almost eight years. Bryce watched with a small smile on his face. Sophia eventually opened her eyes and caught him staring at her.
‘I’m sorry,’ she said shyly. ‘It’s just been so long.’
‘Don’t worry,’ laughed Bryce. ‘I understand.’
‘Do you?’ asked Sophia. ‘Do you really think you understand?’
‘Well not like that,’ said Bryce quickly. ‘I just mean I understand why you miss chocolate.’
‘You understand nothing,’ snapped Sophia. ‘You think chocolate has been the biggest concern of my life? You have no idea the things I miss.’
Bryce turned himself so that he was facing her. ‘Then why don’t you tell me Sophia?’

‘Come in!’ called Detective Ariyo to the person who had knocked on the other side of his office door. The door swung open slowly and Colleen Rivers walked in holding her office phone.
‘Sir, we have a gentleman on the line who says he saw a woman matching the description of Sarah Hartley leaving Fazels Bar less than five minutes ago. ‘It’s the first lead we’ve had.’
Detective Ariyo immediately sprang up from his desk and made for his car.
‘Alright alert all nearby units to keep an eye out and to proceed with caution, she could still be armed.’

Arikawe answered his phone. ‘Yes chief?’
‘I’ve got a lead on Sarah Hartley,’ said Babatunde Ariyo. ‘Witness says she left Fazels just over five minutes ago, we’re on our way down there right now, you need to get there first.’
‘Yes chief,’ replied Arikawe nodding unnecessarily. ‘But why is too important?’
‘Don’t question me Ari!’ snapped Babatunde. ‘Just take care of her.’
‘Yes sir.’
‘And stop calling me chief, I only become chief if this works.’

Sarah Hartley collapsed onto the grass exhausted and wounded she had had a rough night to say the least. she had stood on the side of Sepiw Road until she was eventually picked up by a rather plump Chinese. Sarah never been with a man and was nervous at first as to what she should do, the problem was short lived however, after pondering it in the car with man who identified himself to her as Mister, she had eventually decided she would take the first opportunity she could to steal his money and run, after all it wasn’t like he was going to fetch the police. When Mister had pulled over in front over a dark building Sarah made a grab for his wallet with her right hand tried to open her door with her left, but Mister was quick and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back into the car Sarah screamed out in pain and clawed at his hand and it tightened around her throat.
‘You think you can rob me!’ growled Mister chocking her.
Sarah drew up her knee with all the strength she could muster and drove into Misters stomach, he gasped, swore loudly and released his grip on her throat. Sarah shoved him off her and fell out of the car with his wallet in hand.  Since that moment she had been she had been jumping and running whenever she heard a car. Needless to say sleep did not come easy to her that night no matter she coaxed it. When she had woken her face was badly bruised and her throat was swollen and made breathing an unpleasant experience, Sophia counted the money in Misters wallet and discovered he had seven hundred dollars in large notes. She immediately took it out and threw the now empty wallet into the nearest, she then used some of the money to buy some pain killers and cough syrup. After an unsatisfactory breakfast of Panado and Benylin she walked over to a bar called Fazels and bought herself glasses of wine before leaving. The wine and medication had made her so woozy she had not noticed the bar tender staring at her intensely before picking up his phone and walking out the back.

Sophia had told Bryce a brief version of everything that had happened to her since the day she had been captured. Bryce had listened to her and did not speak until she was finished.
‘I’ve seen and heard about trafficking on the news,’ said Bryce. ‘But I never imagined it was this bad.’
‘You thought it was fun?’ asked Sophia. ’You think any of us would ever choose this? It is too late for most girls to leave her, that is why so many stay and none try to escape, what would they do out there? In a world full evils, it is best, I think, to bare the one you know.’
‘There are good people out here,’ said Bryce.
‘Like you?’ smiled Sophia raising her eyebrows.
‘I’d like to think I'm better than the people who did this to you,’ said Bryce.
‘Remind me again Bryce,’ said Sophia. ‘Where did we meet exactly?’

Lacie sat on her bad waiting for the “special client” to arrive. She was just wondering how things with Sophia and Bryce when the door opened and Alik walked covered by only a rather small looking bath towel.
‘Where’s the client Alik?’ she asked trying not to laugh at his dress situation.
‘Go on laugh,’ smiled Alik stepping into the room and locking the door behind him. ‘Because I have a feeling you’re going to have very little to laugh about in the morning.’
‘Alik what’s going on?’ asked Lacie getting up and backing away from him as he dropped his towel.
‘You’ve been teasing me little girl,’ he laughed. ‘But no more.’
‘I don’t know what you talking about,’ said Lacie shaking her head frantically. ‘If Andrei finds out you know what will happen to you!’
‘Andrei out of town for a while,’ smiled Alik. ‘And if he had to find out when he came back, then something bad might happen to whoever told him.’

Sophia opened the door to her bedroom and walked in quietly so as not to wake Lacie. She had the bag full of goodies in her hand and was rather excited about sharing them with Lacie. As she got half way into the room she noticed that Lacie was not in her bed. Sophia assumed she had gone to the bathroom and paid her absence no more mind while she undressed herself and made for the showers. She walked down the cold narrow corridor to the bathroom, by and by she realised that she had been stepping on little drops of what she assumed was water, but once she got into the light of the bathroom she looked at her feet and had to supress her scream as she saw the soles of her feet were bright red. Somebody had been bleeding on their way to or from the bathroom. Sophia followed the drops into the showers and all the way to the last cubicle. She stopped outside the cubicle door and heard soft sobs coming from within. Sophia knocked on the door gently.
‘Lacie?’ she called.
‘Please Soph,’ sobbed Lacie. ‘Just go.’